
Quentin Hunter Guildhall


With over 30 years of experience spanning multiple industries, I bring a wealth of knowledge and a versatile skill set to my strategic business consultancy services. My objective is to tailor these services to foster growth and scale businesses in a profitable manner.

Leveraging my dual expertise as a marketer and an accountant, I engage closely with a diverse range of businesses, from budding startups to established multi-national corporations. My approach is holistic, ensuring not only the financial health of your business but also enhancing its competitiveness in the market through every stage of its evolution.

Areas of Consultancy

1. AI Consultancy

- As a Certified AI Specialist, we provide customised AI consulting services to help you achieve your business objectives.

- Are you struggling to leverage the power of AI in your business?

- Do you want to optimise your operations, reduce costs, and gain a competitive edge, but don't know where to start?

- Many businesses face these challenges when it comes to AI adoption.

- Find out more about our customised AI consultancy services here.

2. Business Strategies:

- Customised Business Model Development: Crafting business models that are adaptable, resilient, and tailored to your specific industry and market conditions.

- Strategic Planning and Execution: Assisting in the development and implementation of strategic plans that align with your long-term business goals.

- Operational Efficiency: Streamlining your operations to improve efficiency and reduce costs, thereby maximising profitability.

3. Growth Strategies:

- Market Expansion: Identifying and capitalizing on new market opportunities, both domestically and internationally.

- Product Diversification: Advising on product line expansions and modifications to tap into new customer segments.

- Scalability Plans: Developing strategies for scaling operations in a sustainable and manageable way.

4. Competitor Analysis and Research:

- Market Intelligence: Conducting in-depth research to provide insights into competitor strategies, market trends, and consumer behaviour.

- Benchmarking: Comparing your business against industry standards to identify areas for improvement.

- Strategic Positioning: Helping position your business in a way that differentiates it from competitors and resonates with your target audience.

5. Sales and Marketing:

- Integrated Marketing Strategies: Developing and implementing marketing strategies that align with your overall business objectives.

- Brand Development and Positioning: Building a strong brand identity and positioning it effectively in the market.

- Customer Engagement and Retention: Creating strategies to enhance customer engagement and foster long-term customer relationships.

6. AI and Automation in Sales and Marketing:

- Technology Integration: Advising on the integration of AI and automation tools to enhance sales and marketing effectiveness.

- Data-Driven Marketing: Utilising AI for data analysis and insights to drive targeted marketing campaigns.

- Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Automation: Implementing automated CRM systems to improve customer interactions and increase sales efficiency.

In each of these areas, my consultancy services are not just about giving advice but about collaborating with you to create actionable plans, guiding implementation, and measuring results to ensure continued success and growth for your business.

Traffic and Conversion Summit
CIMA Qualified
Digital Marketer Certified Partner
Certified Head of Marketing
Certified Digital Marketing Strategist
AdSkills Certified Media Buyer

Fractional Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)

My CMO services are tailored for businesses looking for strategic marketing leadership that incorporates AI and automation, without the expense of a full-time executive hire. Specialising in leveraging advanced technologies, I provide insightful competitor analysis and utilise proven growth frameworks to drive significant improvements in both top-line revenue and bottom-line profitability.

Key Aspects:

1. Advanced Market and Competitor Analysis:

- Competitive Intelligence: Utilising AI-driven tools to conduct thorough competitor analysis, identifying market gaps and opportunities for differentiation.

- Market Dynamics Insights: Employing data analytics to understand evolving market trends and consumer preferences.

2. Strategic Marketing Aligned with Business Goals:

- AI-Informed Strategy Development: Crafting marketing strategies using insights derived from AI and data analytics, ensuring they support your business objectives.

- ROI-Focused AI and Automation: Implementing AI and automation in marketing initiatives for higher efficiency, effectiveness, and measurable returns.

3. Growth-Driven Initiatives Using AI and Automation:

- Automated Revenue Generation: Applying AI for advanced lead generation, customer segmentation, and targeted marketing campaigns to boost revenue.

- Operational Efficiency in Marketing: Streamlining marketing processes with automation tools for cost-effective operations.

4. Brand Enhancement through Data-Driven Strategies:

- Data-Backed Brand Development: Using AI for deep market research to craft strong, resonant brand messaging.

- Customised Marketing Approaches: Adapting marketing strategies based on AI-driven market insights for maximum impact.

5. Digital Marketing Optimisation with AI:

- Innovative Digital Marketing Tactics: Utilising cutting-edge digital tools powered by AI for expanded reach and engagement.

- Strategic Decisions Based on AI Analytics: Making informed marketing decisions using real-time data and AI-generated insights.

6. Proven Growth Frameworks and Team Leadership:

- Implementation of Growth Frameworks: Applying proven frameworks for business growth and scalability in marketing strategies.

- Empowering Teams with AI and Automation Knowledge: Enhancing your team’s skills in utilising AI and automation for marketing effectiveness.

My CMO services combine the strategic acumen of an experienced marketing executive with the innovative application of AI and automation, all while incorporating a deep understanding of competitor landscapes and proven growth methodologies. This approach ensures your business not only adapts to the evolving digital market but also stands out as a leader in its field.

Growth Marketing Conerence
Certified Funnel Builder
Qualified EPIC Investor
The Stationers Company
Fellow of Royal Geographic Society
Qualified BASI Ski Instructor

Non Executive Director (NED)

In my role as a Non-Executive Director (NED), I offer a comprehensive suite of services based on my extensive experience from serving on the boards of various companies. My expertise extends to providing independent oversight, strategic guidance, and critical insights, particularly in areas of corporate governance, strategic decision-making, and financial oversight.

Key Aspects:

1. Strategic Oversight and Governance:

- Board Leadership and Governance: Offering seasoned perspectives on effective governance practices, ensuring compliance and ethical standards are upheld.

- Strategic Planning: Providing strategic direction to align the company's vision with achievable business goals, ensuring long-term success.

2. Mergers, Acquisitions, and Corporate Exits:

- M&A Strategy and Oversight: Offering expert insights on potential mergers and acquisitions, including due diligence, valuation, and integration strategies.

- Exit Planning: Guiding companies through the complexities of exit strategies, including IPOs, buyouts, and sales, ensuring optimal outcomes for stakeholders.

3. Investment and Financial Advisory:

- Investment Decision Support: Assisting with critical investment decisions, leveraging deep financial expertise to identify opportunities that align with the company's growth objectives.

- Financial Oversight: Providing oversight on financial health, including budgeting, financial planning, and risk management.

4. Sustainable Growth and Value Creation:

- Long-Term Growth Strategies: Developing and advising on strategies focused on sustainable growth, market expansion, and product diversification.

- Value Creation: Identifying and leveraging opportunities to create and enhance shareholder value over the long term.

5. Corporate Development and Transformation:

- Business Transformation Guidance: Offering insights into organisational restructuring and transformation, helping companies adapt and thrive in changing market conditions.

- Innovation and Technology Adoption: Advising on the adoption of new technologies and business models to drive innovation and competitiveness.

6. Stakeholder Engagement and Communication:

- Effective Communication: Facilitating clear and effective communication between the board, management, and stakeholders.

- Stakeholder Relationship Management: Building and maintaining strong relationships with shareholders, investors, and other key stakeholders.

As a Non-Executive Director, my focus is on bringing an objective, independent perspective to the boardroom, complemented by a commitment to ensuring the company's prosperity and resilience. My role is to challenge and support the executive team, ensuring that the company not only achieves its immediate goals but is also positioned for long-term success and growth.

Quentin Hunter by window


My approach to investment is deeply rooted in a philosophy of unlocking potential and fostering innovation. With a rich background in accounting, marketing, and direct investment experience, I offer a unique blend of financial acumen and strategic insight. My services are not just about providing capital; they are about partnering with businesses to propel them towards transformative growth, scalability, and operational excellence. I specialize in identifying and nurturing ventures with the potential to be industry game-changers.

Key Aspects:

1. Strategic Capital Investment:

- Tailored Financial Support: Offering customised investment solutions that align with the specific needs and goals of each business.

2. Growth and Scalability Enhancement:

- Scalability Strategies: Advising on strategies to scale operations effectively, ensuring sustainable growth and market reach.

- Business Model Optimisation: Working closely with businesses to refine and optimize their business models for peak performance and profitability.

3. Operational Excellence and Efficiency:

- Process Improvement: Identifying areas for operational improvement and efficiency gains, leveraging my accounting and marketing expertise.

- Technology Integration: Guiding businesses in adopting cutting-edge

4. Market Positioning and Brand Building:

- Strategic Marketing Insight: Providing insights into market positioning, branding, and targeted marketing strategies to enhance market presence.

- Customer Acquisition and Retention: Advising on strategies to attract and retain a loyal customer base, essential for long-term success.

5. Innovation and Industry Transformation:

- Supporting Innovative Ventures: Focusing on investments in companies that bring innovative products, services, or business models to their industries.

- Industry Analysis and Trend Forecasting: Utilising my experience to analyse industry trends and identify future opportunities for innovation and disruption.

6. Long-Term Partnership and Support:

- Ongoing Strategic Guidance: Offering continuous strategic advice and support, beyond the initial investment phase.

- Networking and Relationship Building: Providing access to my extensive network of industry contacts and resources to further the business's goals.

My investment services are designed for businesses seeking not just a financier, but a partner who is committed to their long-term success. I believe in building strong, collaborative relationships with the businesses I invest in, ensuring we work together towards achieving remarkable industry impact and sustained growth.

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Testimonials 2
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